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Do you want to learn how to have more pleasure in life?


Are you desiring steamier, more gratifying sex? 


Do you feel out of touch with your deepest longings and desires?


Do you want to practice self love and acceptance?


Do you wish you were better at communicating your needs and boundaries?


Does your relationship seem to have stalled?

Let's start this love revolution!


I'm a certified Somatica® Sex and Relationship Coach, and nothing gives me more pleasure than empowering people to love themselves and others more deeply. Since I can remember, making a difference in the lives of my fellow humans through compassion and acceptance has been my calling. 

Originally born and raised in Florence, Italy, I have been living in the United States for the last 12 years. As a child I always wanted to be an actor. To me, being an actor meant understanding a character inside out and making anybody in the audience who related to parts of that character, feel seen and accepted. 

I studied Cinema and Philosophy in Bologna, then headed to New York to the William Esper Studio, an acting conservatory where I daily practiced the delicate art of empathy by walking in the shoes of my characters, from Joan of Arc to Cecile Cardew.  After moving to the Bay Area, I became a proud member of the Oakland Theater Project, a company committed to produce incredibly vulnerable and emotional work.  

When I started studying to become a sex and relationship coach at the Somatica Institute, the founders introduced themselves as "shame warriors." It was in that moment that I realized what I had wanted to be all my life - a shame warrior!  How can we freely and joyfully love ourselves and others when shame tells us that we're not enough, that we're unworthy, and that we don't belong? My greatest joy is to help people bring love and compassion to themselves and others, eradicating shame and allowing the "de-shamified" you to blossom. Studying at the Somatica Institute has given me the most useful tools and the greatest knowledge to do that.  

Margherita Ventura  CSC #21110901

So what's the Somatica® method?

Somatica® changed my life. Diving into the method that Dr Danielle Harel and Celeste Hirschman, MA have developed felt like being wrapped in the coziest, fluffiest blanket while a loving and soothing voice whispered, over and over, "you're ok - it's all good." I stepped into this work thinking I had to be fixed (you might be here for the same reason, and that's ok) and I came out on the other side having love, compassion and understanding of myself. 

I started unveiling my own needs, desires and boundaries and practiced how to lovingly advocate for them. Next, I was able to learn another very important skill, how to support my partner's needs, desires and boundaries. We also both learned how to move through conflicts and pain, rather than avoid them, in an accepting and transformative way. Nowadays, my partner and I see conflicts as an opportunity to get to know each other more deeply, and often times we're amazed that there is always something new to discover. 

I learned how to drop into my body and connect to my own arousal, to know and communicate what turns me on. I had been with my partner for 15 years and realized I didn’t know what truly aroused him. We both had so much to discover and our ongoing exploration keeps the relationship fresh. 

Since Somatica® is a holistic and experiential approach where both body and emotions are involved, the learning happens very fast.  The experiential exercises are built to effectively help people move through shame and all the blocks that stand between us and our most loving, embodied self.


In my practice I welcome humans of all races, genders and sexual orientations. Whether you're meeting with me in my studio* or online, my commitment is to provide a safe and sacred space where we can play together to uncover all the blocks that stand between you and your most embodied, empowered and loving self.    

What's this going to be like?

This is your own and maybe your partner's time to feel heard, seen and accepted. In our work together you'll become empowered to fully be yourself. Whether you want more intimacy, erotic energy, or just a more fulfilling relationship, I'll take you through practices that will enhance your self awareness and self compassion, and connect you to your body and to your deepest desires. 

If this sounds intimidating, I understand. Just know that anything we do, will be done at your pace. Whatever exercise I offer, you have the power to choose what feels right for you in the moment. 

How many sessions will I have to go through to see results?

Mine is an experiential practice so results will happen quickly. Yet, every person is different. You may need just a few sessions or many sessions. There's no right of wrong here. There's only what makes you feel good and what works for you. When you feel you've received all you need, graduate yourself! 

What does a couple session look like?

Whether you're in a monogamous or in a consensually non-monogamous relationship, it is helpful to learn how to cultivate self love and compassion (make space for yourself as an individual, with your own needs, desires and boundaries), and at the same time, nurture deeper intimacy (make space for the relationship and the needs, desires and boundaries of the other). These two things are equally important, and my practice will help you be a champion for both.

If you come in as a couple you'll learn a whole set of communication skills that will allow you both to move vulnerably through a conflict and emerge from it with profound empathy and compassion for each other.

You'll master the art of repairing after a conflict so that both of you will feel heard and seen, no matter how hurt and disappointed, without resorting to blaming and shaming. 

We'll work on eroticism and passion, and learn what each of you seeks in sex. Uncovering our partner's deepest desires doesn't mean we're obliged to grant them exactly that, but it offers us better knowledge of the person we chose to spend part of our life-path with.

Your relationship will become a place of growth, where passion, compassion and empathy are cultivated and nurtured. 

Are online sessions as effective as in person sessions?

Yes! Most of the exercises I use in my practice can be be done just as effectively from the comfort of your home while meeting on Zoom. What matters is that you and maybe your partner are in a space that feels safe and offers you privacy. Some exercises that involve physical proximity have been slightly modified for online sessions.


In-person sessions are currently available for fully vaccinated clients, and are held in my offices in Berkeley or San Francisco. Online sessions are available to everyone, and are held via Zoom.

How do I pay?

I accept payment in cash or via Venmo or PayPal on or before the day of our session.

What's your cancellation policy?

If we're meeting in Berkeley, please give me at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel for any reason. Once you book a session with me, you'll agree to pay 100% of the session price if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice to honor the time and space reserved.

San Francisco
If we're meeting in San Francisco, please give me at least 48 hours notice if you need to cancel for any reason. Once you book a session with me, you'll agree to pay 20% of the session price if you cancel with less than 48 hours notice, and you'll also agree to pay the full session price if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice.

"Don't take anything personal but love"

- Celeste Hirschman


Love and Intimacy Coaching for Individuals

Love and Intimacy Coaching for Couples


Pay in full for 6 sessions and get a 10% discount!

Six-session packages must all be used within

3 months of the first session.


Working with Margherita is a dream. Margherita guides me into raw and real places, opening me up intellectually, emotionally and physically to the sensations present in my body. Every session, she creates an energetic field of warmth and presence that allows me to feel safe and open to go deep and share vulnerably – even the scared parts, the ugly parts, the tender parts. Margherita is a master feeler, an undeniable healer, so attuned and inspired that she will discover within a matter of minutes what is most needed to explore each day we meet. In session I feel brave and supported, and after our sessions I feel empowered and reflective... with a renewed capacity for self compassion and empathy for my intimate partners.

- I.J.

I had several sessions with Margherita at the beginning of a transformative period of my life  and credit her with teaching me to trust my inherent wisdom. Margherita is warm, attentive, vibrant, and oh so loving. I firmly believe no matter who you are or what you are seeking, Margherita's techniques in Somatica will make your journey honored, fulfilling, and safe.

- M.M.


I offer a free 15 minute discovery call, where I can learn more about your goals and answer your questions about my practice. To schedule one, please use this link

Otherwise, you can fill out the form below. 

Thank you for reaching out. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. May the love be with you!

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